Yes, I have anxiety book review is probably something you should look forward to if you experience similar thoughts. You certainly have felt anxiety at some point or the other in your lives. It is too good to be true if you haven’t. There is no harm caused by anxiety in small amounts, but you must watch out for uncontrollable anxiety. No one wants to live with it. Whenever you find yourself in stressful situations, your heart beats faster, your palms are sweaty, and you have no mental or physical stability. Well, this is nothing other than anxiety – a natural response of our body to stressful situations.
Table of Contents
What is anxiety?
Anxiety is a negative emotion – a state of inner conflict and feeling overwhelmed and dreaded by the events coming shortly. Nervous behavior like panicking, rumination, and some mentioned above are typical anxiety symptoms. It is a feeling of uneasiness. While it is natural, sometimes it can be a disorder if it lasts longer than usual.
Anxiety disorders are different from regular anxiety in that it lasts for at least six months. However, for young people, it can be a shorter duration. Knowing the difference between anxiety and anxiety disorders is not as easy as you may think, but it requires medical assistance to diagnose and treat the disease.
Book if you suffer anxiety 
Many books in the marketplace help you deal with your anxiety and keep it in check. Yes, I have anxiety book of 78 pages written by Nicole Stephen. The book comes with instructions to help you relax and distract your mind from your worries.
Nicole Stephen has an encounter with anxiety, and it remained with her most of her life. In high school, she required medicines to cope with it as even the regular activities overwhelmed her. Writing Yes, I have anxiety book has helped her a lot when anxiety strikes, and she firmly believes that the book will also assist others going through similar problems and want to clear their heads up.
What is the book about?
Yes, I have anxiety book is a coloring book and helps you relax, relieve, and meditate. Individuals suffering from anxiety can find how coloring books help them remain calm in tumultuous situations. The coloring patterns in the book tend to have a relaxing and calming effect on people struggling with anxiety. The book had made some rounds on TikTok, becoming popular among people.
The book is directed more towards young and teenage kids. It contains different prompts, allowing you to be more creative and have as much fun as possible. Anyone other than a fully grown adult can buy this book to keep them distracted from anxiety and occupied with something other. If you are a mature person facing anxiety, you might not want to purchase the book.
The Yes, I have anxiety book also has a second part, which is more beneficial and creative than the previous one. You can find the book on Amazon and other platforms you know of. To know more about it in detail, you can look over the internet for online testimonials and reviews. They are always a good idea.
Before buying the book, keep everything mentioned above in mind.
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