There’s something classy about a Cuban cigar. Personally, I’m not a fan of smoking, but I can see how less baddass Tony Montana or Vito Corleone would look without a cigar. Nevertheless, premium cigars tend to come at a premium price. How about one that costs about $25.000 per puff? That’s what Gurkha Cigars are offering – the most expensive cigar in the world.
It is priced at one million dollars and can probably be owned only by those 1%. Obviously, each and every one of these pieces is infused with Remy Martin’s Black Pearl Louis XIII ($165k per bottle) then handcrafted by a select few masters. The artists are blindfolded throughout the process to avoid any distractions and work only using their other senses.
Next up, the rolls are filled with an ultra rare stuffing from the pure lands of Himalayas, which has only been watered by the crystal clear Fiji water. A gold leaf and 5 carat diamonds are added into the mix.
If you can shake out a million dollars for a piece, it will be personally delivered to you by a handler using only the finest white gloves. But would you smoke it?
Check out more on Gurkha Cigars.