Let’s face it: no one really thinks too much about brushing their teeth, unless you’re a dentist. Getting your toothbrush, applying paste and then angrily brushing up and down, left and right for a strong 2 minutes is all routine. Apparently, quip wants you to take a more responsible approach towards keeping your teeth as white as possible. Instead of providing a flashy, colored, multi-tech device, quip toothbrush looks as plain as possible. The minimalistic pack features a vibrating toothbrush, case/support, and toothpaste.
There’s no excuses for not brushing when using quip. Toothbrush support can be attached to any glossy surface, just like a suction cup. To take the brush with you, just put it heads-down in the support and pack it in your bag. Furthermore, quip plans to offer brush head replacement and toothpaste every three months, depending on your usage. Charged batteries are also supplied with heads, so you’re pretty much set up.
Quip brush features either a metal or plastic handle, with 30 second pulse timer. You can either order a large toothpaste tube for home, a smaller one for traveling, or both. Prices start at $25/set. Replacement plan costs $5 per refill, and you benefit from worldwide free shipping. Plan can be cancelled at any time.