Have you ever found yourself lacking proper light when taking care of a job ? Be it outside, for example, when camping, at night, or when stuck with the car in the middle of nowhere or inside, while running down some chores. Nokero is on the way with the help you need, their W100 solar light lamp is a powerful tool to match the words. Weatherproof, it can be mounted on the side of a building, a fence, a pole, the side of your car etc. The ABS framing of it shall maintain its integrity no matter the conditions in which you make your use of the lamp.
The thing that I liked about it when I read about it, is the auto on/off feature, meaning that during the day is automatically turned off and the very opposite at night. Of course you can do that manually too, but think if you want to use it for street or security lightning – you can’t do that switching every day and night. On a single day charge, the piece can light up the space for up to 40 hours, with a charging time of only 6-8 hours, which is alright, but a very good autonomy nonetheless. The battery (lithium iron phosphate build technology) should last somewhere around five years. . Note down: this thing can float. And work under water, without drowining.
The guys who created it say it was originally designed for that. As for the brightness you get, the creators boast about it, saying it is the “world’s brightest integrated solar light”. Technically you have 300 lumens at disposal, on the highest setting, equal to 30 kerosene lamps. I haven’t researched about this, but judging by the pictures, it is pretty impressive.