It’s been about a year since first selfie stick saw a light of a day and if I remember well at first we pointed and laughed at it. It was bit funny and everyone talked about it ironically. Now, in 2015, we accepted it and there is no person who doesn’t have one.
It’s awkward why they stayed for so long but guess what? They will stay as long as our arms become a few feet long ready to take the perfect selfie.
If you guys want to be trendy and modern this long arm selfie stick is something you should have. It’s so unique gadget and no one will even notice it’s a selfie stick. This product is perfect for all of you who want to hide selfie sticks with this ridiculously long arm camouflage.
Long arm selfie stick has its own inventor, the dreamer Mansoon. Why did he make this? He says that selfie sticks are a bit embarrassing and have ridiculous look, so he came up with this idea. He bought two prop hands on Amazon and made them look like they are holding the phone.
There is nothing to be added to this story. Go ahead and try this long arm selfie stick.