Nano-housing might be the future. I mean, there is this spacing problem that comes with the overpopulation. But let’s try and make this a cool thing. Living smaller is actually neat. It’s not only some hipster way to go around living the daily life, it also gives you the option to have a utilization for each and every inch of your place, thus maximizing the role your home should play in your life. A company coming out of South Africa came with the Idaldla, a pre-fabricated nano-home.
So far, nothing new one might say, as nano-homing is already in the mix since 2000-something, but this one has a benefit I have never seen before in this nieche of manufacturing, called design, people. I mean, until now, if it was small and squarely-shaped it was good enough. Men like us need more, in terms of customization and personalization. Idladla gives you options, as it can be installed in a number of different configurations to meet your own particular needs. One piece of it equals to 17 square meters.
Depending on how many of them you want, you can expand it from a small office into a complete household. The units are pre-fabricated, of course, so you would only need to set them up. Like this, you don’t have to name a room after its use. There are no bedrooms, kitchens, whatever. Anything is everything now – think of it like this, you can have an office inside a living room inside a wardrobe. Also, you can move it, it’s an advantage to me, no matter how you say it. So don’t, don’t try and say it’s a trailer. It is not, have a look and be conviced.