I always found amphibian vehicles interesting. They are multi-purpose, they get the job done. You won’t hear them complaining, as your car would if you don’t wash it, or your motorbike if you don’t change one thing here, another one over there. No, the amphibians take you there when you need it. Gibbs Amphitrcuks come with this proposal: to give you the possibility to ride waters and shores alike with their Humdinga and Phibian models, all while not as dashing as one might expect, but having much needed utility in many different conditions.
Humding is designed to be the aggressive one in the couple, trying to bring definition of “off-road” to another level. You can transit between the two configurations by simply pushing a button letting you save precious time needed to supply or even rescue missions. It has a seven men capacity on board, making it available for highways. Phibian also has the capacity to be used on highways, should you take it on land and over 30mph on water. You can carry up to 15 individuals or 2.000kg of cargo on it, being made with twin diesel engines, each empowering one Gibbs water jet and one driven axle, the first on water, the latter on land. It can be used in various configurations, a well executed medium range amphibious vehicle.