Revitalize, Don’t Reshuffle
First of all, I want to say I am really grateful for finally getting to write my thoughts about Desktop Neo. So thanks for allowing me to appreciate on paper something I’ve been watching for a long time. Second of all, Desktop Neo is still just a “conceptual desktop operating system” which means there is still plenty of thing to improve.
Now, let’s talk about Desktop Neo. Translated as the best thing happened to desktop computers since their inception. It is what makes them intuitive and productive, responsive and clever – like your smartphone.
Think of simply looking at something on the screen and making it pop up. No mouse needed, exactly. Just a pad to touch and software magic powder sprinkled.
It is more of an interface than anything. But think of it like a way to revitalize and reorganize your daily life on a computer. Don’t just reshuffle, find your second nature. I don’t want to bother you with too much, but here are some examples.
Instead of…
What if instead of windows, you have tabs for each opened app. A folder, music player, web browser, they will all be reorganized and rethought in tabs which can be easily switched to enhance productivity, meaning less time wasted. Next, how about quicker access to everything?
What if instead of desktop you get the Finder. Ditch the classic desktop and make everything smoother, combined with gestures to scroll through panels, full screen, close a panel and many others.
The main screen of the Desktop Neo is called the Finder. It’s there where your searches and app interactions will take place – open, close, set priorities, tag, print etc. all with less actions and moves.
You will be more organized, always in touch with your work after Desktop Neo makes its way into your life. Folders? Forget about them. Everything is hashtag-based these days. Work with associations and tags to make everything more relevant than ever.
It’s all available at the top of the Finder. It’s flexible and smart, simply put. Click with your eyes – just gaze at something and order it to open by touching the pad. Many, many others are out there, but I can’t be comprehensive enough in here.
So, guys, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Go and check the full features on the website and join the hype train, dream about this becoming reality one day.