Cigar maketh man. There is no denying the absolute statement that smoking one makes, announcing that you have arrived. If you’re new to smoking cigars, you should definitely check out our beginners guide we wrote a couple years ago. We picked 5 big names you should know about and we even added a bonus up-and-coming one we strongly recommend. Here are the 6 boldest cigars your fingers will love to hold:
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1. Cohiba
The cigar of the cigar enthusiast. Smoke a Cohiba and you make an immediate impression. The iconic Cameroon wrapper complements a smooth, creamy after taste.
2. Arturo Fuente
One of the most popular cigars, and also the first that most men smoke. This is a near perfect blend of style, heritage, and a touch of affordability. No list is complete without Arturo.
You can often find them here at a discount, making them even more irresistible to aficionados on a budget.
3. Padron
Dark, intense, and defiantly bold. The Padron is considered the ‘man’ among cigars. The tobacco is rolled for at least two years before making the cut. A cigar created for special occasions.
4. Macanudo Café
Even the bold needs to take a break. Enter: The Macanudo Café. Each cigar is handcrafted with a light, mellow touch ideal for evenings and late nights.
5. Montecristo
Smoke a Montecristo and you’ll realise why Cuba is the home of the cigar. The brand is considered the gold standard. Smoke one and you’ll feel no less than a count.
6. Acid Kuba Kuba
Acid Kuba Kuba: This cigar features spicy Nicaraguan tobacco wrapped in a dark and buttery Indonesian Sumatra wrapper. On its own the Acid Kuba Kuba is already a deliciously sweet and spicy smoke, good for more than a full hour. Like all ACID cigars Drew Estate adds to this experience by infusing each cigar through several months of immersion in more than 150 botanicals and oils.